Phospholipids is compounded by fatty acids, phosohate, glycerol, and choline. Fatty acids which are carbon and hydrogen bond together are hydrophobic, and the head is hydropilic.
Main Questions:
1. What term includes all others in the list?
A: Carbohydrate includes monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide and starch.
2. The structural level of a protein least affected by a disruption in hydrogen bonding is the?
A: primary level.
3. Enzymes that break down DNA catalyze the hydrolysis of the covalent bonds that join nucleotides together. What would happen to DNA molecules treated with these enzymes?
A: The phosphodiester linkages between deoxyribose sugars would be broken.
Main facts:
1. Starches are made of 1-4 linkages of a glucose.
2. Glycogen is similar to starch, but has more 1-6 linkages or branches.
3. Fatty acids are long carbon chain (12-18 C) with a -COOH (acid) on one end and a -CH3 (fat) at the other.
4. Phospholipids are similar to fats, but have only two fatty acids.
5. Polypeptide chains formed by dehydration synthesis between the carboxyl group of one AA and the amino group of the second AA.
Key terms:
1. Chitin: A structural polysaccharide, consisting of amino sugar monomers, found in many fungal cell walls and in the exoskeletons of all arthropods.
2. Starch:A storage polysaccharide in plants, consisting entirely of glucose monomers joined by a glycosidic linkages.
3. Disulfide bridge: A strong covalent bond formed when the sulfur of one cysteine monomer bonds to the sulfur of another cysteine monomer.
4. Peptide bond: The covalent bond between the carboxyl group on one amino acid and the amino group on another, formed by a dehydration reaction
5. Alpha (α) helix: A spiral shape constituting one form of the secondary structure of proteins, arising from a specific pattern of hydrogen bonding.
6. Triacylglycerol: Three fatty acids linked to one glycerol molecule; also called a fat or a triglyceride
7. Phospholipids: A lipid mad up of glycerol joined to two fatty acids and a phosphate group.
8. Cholesterol: is a common component of animal cell membranes and is also the precursor from which other steroids are synthesized.
9. Amino Acids: are organic molecules possessing both carboxyl and amino groups.
10. Chaperonins: A protein molecule that assists in the proper folding of other proteins.